Thursday, November 25, 2010

How To Make A Consistent, Effortless Golf Swing

Have you ever hit a golf shot that felt so good and effortless that you said to yourself – “that was perfect?”  If so, then I bet the next words out of your mouth were most likely – “why can’t I do that every time?”

So the question must be – “why?” Why can’t you swing like that consistently?  What’s the issue that’s standing in your way of golfing glory?  It was probably an effortless golf swing that felt so easy that you say to yourself – “I hardly felt like I put any effort into that swing and look how far it went …. why can’t I swing that easy all the time?”

Now the question is why was your golf swing so smooth and effortless on that swing.  Well, at GMS we believe that your golf swing is influenced by how you start the club back.  Meaning the very first few inches of your backswing influences the rest of your golf swing through impact.

While most Golfers are focused on having their golf swing “stay on plane” or “stop coming over the top” or “stop coming from the outside to in” or “holding the angle of their wrists through impact” … GMS believes those aren’t ‘Causes’ you should be worried about.  Those are actually ‘Effects’ of you not having total control of your club on the first few inches of your backswing.  Those often diagnosed afflictions can not be fixed until the ‘Cause’ is fixed.  And if you keep working on trying to fix those ‘Effects’ … well, you’ll never permanently fix them until your fix the ‘Cause’.

Have you had any of those problems – yet are never able to fix them regardless of the amount lessons you have taken and practice time you have spent on the practice range?  Well now you know why you can’t fix them … your trying to fix an ‘Effect’ – when you should be working on fixing the ‘Cause’.

For example:  we have found that about 85% of Golfers start their backswing exclusively with their hands.  And we have found that the average Golfer that starts with their hands – moves their clubhead higher than their knees on the backswing before the rest of their body becomes active.  Now, that might not mean that much to you, however -- that means your clubhead is moving over 2 feet before the rest of your body starts to react.

And if you’re 2 feet out of position only  an 1/8 of the way into your golf swing – think about how out of position you probably are as you get to impact.  Well, you probably don’t have to think about it --- the golf ball has probably been showing you the result of being that far off … swing after swing after swing.

We have found that when you start everything together on your backswing – it becomes easy to keep everything moving together through impact ... thus creating a smooth, effortless golf swing.  However, we have found that the majority of Golfers we see don’t start everything together in their backswing.  Thus, this requires these Golfers to have a golf swing that is built on compensations.

Compensations Equal Inconsistency
The More You Compensate, The More Inconsistent You Are

Now this is a major reason for your inconsistency because if you’re doing this (and about 85% of Golfers are), this tells you why you can’t get rid of that slice.  And it also explains this:  that when you really work hard to get rid of the slice – you end up overcompensating and hitting a low hook or hitting the golf ball straight up in the air or hitting a low worm-burner 30 yards into the rough.  This is because your golf swing was disconnected from the very start, thus most often causing a slice.  However, when you try to compensate in your swing to overcome that disconnection – you end up overcompensating and hitting worse shots!

What has happened is that your hands, your body and the clubhead aren’t working together in your golf swing.  Each is working independently during the golf swing … which means bad golf shots.  We have found that Golfers that start their golf swing primarily with their hands -- most often have their clubface open at impact … hitting a slice.  However, when you go to take a normal golf lesson – the pro often talks about the need for you to turn over your forearms or wrists or pronating your hands prior to impact so that you close the clubface at impact.

However, that is just another compensation to fix an ‘Effect’.  What do I mean by that?  Your slice isn’t happening because you weren’t turning your forearms (or wrists or your lack of pronation) …. Your slice is happening because you aren’t in control of the club from the very start of the golf swing.  So now instead of hitting 3 shots to the right and then overcorrecting and hitting one to the left … you’re hitting 1 to the right, 1 to the left, 1 to the right, 1 to the left … and not because you want to --- you just can’t help it.

Thus, that’s why most Golfers get worse while going to take golf lessons in the traditional manner.  At least before the lesson you knew which way the golf ball was going to fly 3 times out of 4.  Now, you have no idea what will happen next.

So how does GMS help our Golfers to become more consistent?

One of the most successful GMS drills we use with our Golfers is the Parallel Hands Drill.  This drill allows our Golfers to feel how everything starts consistently in your backswing.  It allows our Golfers to sense how their body becomes coordinated with your hands – and even more importantly, it allows our Golfers to feel if something is moving out of place.

We take our time as we don’t hit golf balls for a few minutes as our Golfers feel the movements of their backswing while using Parallel Hands.  This special drill forces you to heighten your sense of feel (in your golf swing) more than you have ever experienced.

It’s actually tough to get many Golfers to hit golf balls after a few minutes as they often want to continue doing the drill … as the light bulb has never burned brighter than when doing Parallel Hands.  But alas, when our Golfers go to hit the 6 golf balls in front of them (after doing this drill), you have never seen Golfers that are happier about their ballstriking than these Golfers.

Why?  Because they started to feel what their backswing feels like.  And because of that, they’re able to continue with a smooth swing throughout their golf swing.  Whereas in the past, they would be so disconnected before the golf club was even knee high, that the rest of their golf swing was just one compensation after another trying to regain control of their clubhead.

Thus, the feeling of swinging too hard or uncontrollable.

As I say this, watch your friends the next time they play.  I’ll bet you see that their clubhead is at least knee high before the rest of their body moves.  Now, this happens fast – so you have to train yourself to see it.  However, you will see it.  Then watch the Pros on television … where you’ll see at least 95% of them starting everything together.  Why does Ernie Els look so smooth – watch how everything starts together,

Now saying that … it’s not something that you can just tell yourself to do.  I’ve seen many Golfers that feel as if they’re starting everything together … yet they aren’t anywhere close.  Often times there is a big difference between “feel and real”.  Meaning we often think we’re doing something … yet we’re not.

That’s why drills like Parallel Hands are so valuable and are critical to finally allowing you to feel connected in your golf swing.  Because it forces everything to work together and it’s something that you can practice over and over again -- as your golf swing gets better and better.

The Monkey continues to work on getting their “golf swing on plane” by working on the most often prescribed ‘Effects’

The Player knows that to be consistent, you need to practice fixing the ‘Cause’

Go ahead, come to GMS and learn to become a Player
Marc Solomon - Your Instructor For Life

Monday, November 8, 2010

Putting Secrets – How to “Hook” Your Putts!

Okay, I am going to let out another cat out of the bag, that is “hooking” your putts.

I’ve been recently noticing that I have been “naturally” hooking my putts, virtually every one of them.? This occurred naturally while just trying to make solid contact with the ball.

By the way, I have been making helluva more putts with my new “hook” method.

When you put a slight right-to-left spin on the ball while you putt, your ball will roll more true than if you simply hit it normally.? I also found that by hooking my putts, I was able to make more left-to-right putts and right-to-left putts.

The only drawback is that you will have to adjust your aiming accordingly, meaning you might want to aim more right for right-to-left putts and play for less break on left-to-right putts.

For me, an inside to slightly outside putting stroke is natural since I mainly use my wrists to putt.

I find I putt better with my wrists plus more feel when I let my hands do most of the work.

The inside-out path is natural when you simply use your wrists to putt.

To try my new putting method, simply take the clubhead back, letting it hinge on your wrists.? You will find that the path of the putter will automatically go inside.

On the follow-through, simply let the putter clubhead swing through to the target, you will find that the path of the putter will naturally go slightly outside then straight towards the target.

Because this is a natural movement and I am sinking more putts, I decided to stick with it.

When you do this right, you won’t notice any “hooks” with naked eye but you will notice that you can “hook” the ball on right-to-left putts (meaning you have to aim more right) and you will be able to hit those slightly left-to-right putts straight at the cup without compensating for any breaks.

Remember, the “hook” part is ever so slight that it can’t really be seen with the naked eye, it’s a “feel” thing so don’t over do it!? (Perhaps like 1-3 degrees of inside-outness…)

If you look at Tiger’s putting, he also “hooks” his putts.? (There’s even a golf training tool you can buy here.? They call it inside-down-the-line path but it’s really the same thing.)

I’ve also noticed that one of the greatest putters Ben Crenshaw does a similar move in his teaching videos.

Of course, you can also do this without using your wrists only but I don’t know how to teach you that.? Perhaps the golf training aid will help although I don’t believe in any training aids because you can’t use it on the golf course.

Anyways, this is really for advanced golfers.? If you are not already accomplished putter, perhaps you might want to just try hitting putts straight and keep it simple.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Golf Instruction & Tips 8/6/2010

In this issue we’ll discuss…

1) Think Your Way To Solid Irons
2) Hit Pinpoint Bunker Shots
3) Question of the Week: Getting Rid Of The Shanks
4) Article – Five Pro Tips That Will Reduce Golf Handicaps
5) Article – Four Steps To A Slice-Free Swing

Jack’s Note: Who wants a new set of irons? Alex from the Golf Swing Speed Challenge is giving away some really nice ones if you’re interested. He’s also unloading some GPS’s and other cool stuff. Oh yeah, he’s the guy who has the simplest system I know of to add massive distance to your game.

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1) Think Your Way To Solid Irons

Do you think about your swing too much? Many weekend golfers do . Thinking about the mechanics of your swing when at the range is great. That’s the place to eliminate swing faults. But thinking about your swing while on the tee box is bad. Thinking about folding your right elbow or cocking your wrists in the middle of a swing usually ends in a shank, skull, or topper. Eliminate mechanics-based swing thoughts when on the course and you’ll hit solid irons from the fairway every time.

Below are five steps to hitting solid irons:

1. Assess and select
2. Determine shot shape
3. Picture the ball flight
4. Address the starting line
5. See the result in your mind

Accept that you’re going to use the swing you have at the moment. Then, visualize where you want to land the ball. When your mind sees something, you often achieve it. Follow these five steps to do it every time:
Determine your exact yardage, get a sense of your lie, make a good club selection, and commit to the shot.

* Determine your shot shape by standing behind the ball and visualizing the line that your lie will produce. Also, visualize your ball flight.
* Choose a point on the horizon where you want the ball to start. Picture the ball starting in that direction and landing squarely on the green…exactly where you want it to land.
* Address the ball, square yourself to the target, and draw an imaginary line to your point on the horizon. Use the line to align your clubface, hips, and shoulders.
* See an image of your ball flight in your mind as you start your swing. The better your visual image, the better your tempo and rhythm and the better your golf shot.

Forget about swing mechanics when on the course. Thinking about them usually leads to trouble. Instead, follow the five steps above to hit crisper irons from the fairway.
2) Hit Pinpoint Bunker Shots

If you’re like most weekend golfers, you’re happy to escape a bunker in one. But good bunker players not only get out in one, they also control the ball when it hits, saving strokes. You can hit pinpoint bunker shots when you need to by making a minor swing adjustment.

Basically, you have two choices when hitting bunker shots: You can run the ball to the flag or you can have it check up when it hits. Sometimes, running the ball to the pin is the right choice. Other times, checking up is the right choice. Good players can do both.

The difference between the shots is the way your wedge exits the sand. When the wedge exits on a shallow basis, the ball hits ands runs. When the wedge exits at a steep angle, the ball hits and stops. Here’s how to hit both shots:

* To get the ball to hit and run, use a shortened version of your regular full swing, with your body facing the target and your right arm (left for left-handers) stretched across your torso.
* To stop the ball, lift the club out of the sand quickly. Lift the club out of the sand quickly by bending your left elbow after impact. It should feel like you’re trying to get the shaft straight up and down as soon as you make contact with the sand.

Bunker shots are challenging. So most players are happy to get out in one. But if you want to hit accurate sand shots, learn to change how your club exits the sand to add spin to the ball or run it up to flag. Hitting pinpoint bunker shots save strokes.
3) Questions of the Week: Getting Rid Of The Shanks


Dear Jack:

I’ve been reading your lessons for some time now and there’s a problem I have I wish you could help me. I’m an 18 handicapper. Most of the time I even hit lower than this.

But these past few months I’ve been shanking my shots, especially my approach shots. What should I do to avoid this?

Leslie Agoncillo


Thanks for the question, Leslie. We get this question at least once a year. Here’s the answer: A shank occurs when a ball is caught in the angle between the clubface and the hosel, spinning the ball sideways.

A shank occurs when the clubhead is farther away from a golfer’s body at impact than at address. The primary causes are

1. Standing too close to the ball, which prevents your hands from swinging freely past your body, or
2. Shifting your weight forward onto your toes, throwing your hands and clubface too far from the body.

If your hands are the problem, place a ball about a half-inch outside your ball. Then, try hitting the inner ball cleanly. Try to sense that your hands are closer to your body through impact and that you’re going to hit the ball on the club’s toe. If you hit both balls, your hands are still too close to the outer ball.

If weight shift is the problem, curl your toes inside your golf shoes. Keep them curled throughout the swing. If this doesn’t work, place a ball under the front of each foot, pushing your weight back on your heels. Practice hitting balls that way until the shanks disappear.

Also, gripping the club too tightly can’t cause the shanks, but it can contribute to them.

If you’ve got a golf question you’d like answered, send an email to us at and we’ll review it. I can’t guarantee that we’ll use it but if we do, we’ll make sure to include your name and where you’re from.
If you want to truly discover the secrets of shooting like the Pros and creating a more reliable and consistent swing, check out:

Also, for past issues of this newsletter and some of my most recent articles, visit our blog at

Here are some of my recent articles:

4) Article – Four Steps To A Slice-Free Swing

5) Article – Five Pro Tips That Will Reduce Golf Handicaps

Until next time,

Go Low!


P.S. Feel free to share this newsletter with family and friends. If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, go to
About the Author

Jack Moorehouse is the author of the best-selling book “How To Break 80 and Shoot Like the Pros!”. He is NOT a golf pro, rather a working man that has helped thousands of golfers from all seven continents lower their handicaps quickly. His free weekly newsletter goes out to thousands of golfers worldwide and provides the latest golf tips, strategies, techniques and instruction on how to improve your golf game.

This entry was posted on Friday, August 6th, 2010 at 2:17 pm and is filed under Golf Newsletters. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How to Practice the Driver!

For most of you, you probably have one shot with your driver, that is trying to hit it long as possible.

Well, let me tell you right off the bat, I can hit at least a dozen different shots with my driver including the full long drive, short knock-down drive, driver off the fairway, low-bullet slice shots around the trees, and the list can go endless.

Because of how the driver is designed, it can be a great weapon to use even off the fairway when there’s a fair amount of wind on the golf course or you are stuck under a low-hanging tree and you need to get the ball down the fairway as far as possible.

Of course, a long iron such as a 2 or 3-iron can also be good for hitting a low-bullet shot but the driver has some better results such as putting less backspin on the ball.? In the time you need to roll it more, the driver can come in very handy.

Well, let me just go over couple of these different shots you can practice with your driver so you can make 12 shots out of this driver club, not just one.

Having more weapons in your bag will help you become a scratch or better golfer but only knowing how to hit full shots will limit your potential as a golfer.

1. The Long Drive – I am sure you have this in your bag already, I won’t go much into details other than you should have a super-long drive ready to launch at a long par 5.

2. The Short Drive – At times, there’s a need for you to hit a distance off the tee, something between a driver and a 3-wood.? At those times you will want to grip down on the driver a little bit and make a three-quarter swing.? This will allow you to hit the ball little bit lower and control it better.? This short drive also works well on windy holes where a 3-wood balloon the golf ball in the air too much.? Anyways, this is probably more important driver shot than the Long Drive.? Look at the pros, even they are using it, especially Anthony Kim, he will grip down on almost every drive for better control and lower ball flight.? This isn’t an easy shot by the way if you don’t practice and learn to control your backswing so make sure you practice this before using it on the golf course. (or any of these shots for that matter)

3. The Short Drive Fade and Draw – Learn to really be able to work the ball left-to-right or right-to-left with these short drives, they can come in very handy for those dogleg-lefts and rights.

4. The Long Drive off the Fairway – This will require that you already hit the golf ball pretty solid.? This Long Drive off the Fairway can come in handy on super, long par 5s or super, windy conditions where you need to hit the ball far and run it too.

5. The Short Drive off the Fairway – This one is another one to practice for windy conditions and when you need to run the ball more than the 3-wood.

6. The Low-Bullet Shot – This low-bullet shot with the driver is basically same as a short drive off the fairway except you put the ball back in your stance slightly.? You won’t have to put the ball back too far back because the loft on the driver is already de-lofted a lot, just make a nice and short swing.

Also practice with different clubface angles.? For one, don’t close your clubface but rather open it up gradually and see what kind of results you get.

These shots can come in handy where you have to hit it under the tree then slice the heck out of it down the fairway.

Other than these, you might want to keep experimenting with different driver shots.? All these shots may seem like a waste of time but will actually help you hit the Long Drive good too because your hands will have to be light and your body will adjust to swing correctly.

Banging Long Drives one after another can be fun but they are usually detrimental to your overall golf swing and rhythm but if you mix your driver practice with all of these different ones I’ve outlined, you will make a much better use out of your driver plus better rhythm in the long run.

Remember, if you practice like everyone else on the range, you will only become like them. (a real good HACKER!)

Learn to be creative and create your own golf shots, that will ultimately be your competitive edge on the golf course when your competitor thinks you are stymied behind a tree, then stick it 2-feet from the pin using the low-bullet slice driver shot. :)

Bring out the best in yourself, don’t limit capabilities of a golf club to one shot.

Happy golfing!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Getting Your Swing Plane on Track!

After struggling with my swing, especially my driver for months, I’ve finally managed to get my long drive shot back.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t duffing my driver or anything but for the last couple months, I couldn’t hit the driver as long as I used to near 300+ yards and with an effortless swing.

There was something “missing” with my golf swing and for last couple months, I’ve never missed a practice session on a daily basis.

Anyways, I did figure out exactly that yesterday, and boy it was one of the best days in my life!

So, let me just tell you what happened.

First, I got to the range and hit about 150 golf balls. Something just felt weird that day and I couldn’t hit the ball like I wanted to. It felt like my rhythm was gone and all the stuff I have been doing went to pieces.

I felt a but frustrated so I hit another 100 golf balls. Of course, even after hitting so many balls in one day, my swing didn’t feel 100% right.

Finally, I gave up and headed to the short game practice area so I can practice some chipping and pitching.

On the practice green, my chipping had become a lot better over the months and I was able to hit many great chip shots within inches of the cup.

Here’s where it ticked me though, while I was trying to practice these impossible flop shots over the bunker with literally just 5 feet of green to work with, I found a swing that would allow me to hit the ball perfectly and effortlessly. TWICE, I hit the pin and many times, I was able to hit this new flop shot I was working on within inches of the cup.

As I was working on the flop shot, my instincts took over and my swing felt like it was on a “track”.

Right after that, I kept thinking to myself, “what if I use this same swing on my full shots”?

Immediately, I bought another 50 golf balls and headed back to range. My stomach was growling really loud at this point but I was too sure that this new “swing” I found while hitting a flop shot is it.

So, I tried my flop shot swing on the range, and guess what! My swing felt like I was on a “track” and I hit the ball really great, especially with driver, where I can “feel” the solidarity and just rocketed off the sweetspot.

This feeling of ball “sweetness” was what I had been looking for the last 3-4 months.

The big question, “how did you do it”?

So here’s what I did for the flop shot, I just took my regular chip shot and extended it.

The flop shot actually isn’t much more than opening your clubface and using your regular golf swing. There’s a more “riskier” of using your wrists only but I don’t recommend that route as it’s inconsistent and I know this because that’s how I started hitting flop shots 20 years ago.

Here’s exactly how it felt to me:

At address, I simply start my whole body, including my tummy, upperbody (where triangle formed by your shoulders, arms, and hands move together) by “rotating” against my body’s axis slightly inside the target line.

Once my whole body (tummy + upperbod) started rotating slightly inside the target line about 2-3 feet), my body felt like it was on a “track”. I just keep the momentum of that initial rotation going and it “felt” like I was swinging “on-plane” without even trying.

After that, the downswing was easy too, just coming back in the same plane.

You know those big white circle swing-plane trainers? Yup, it felt like my swing was on that without even trying.

I think the “secret” recipe here is that I kept everything more simpler. I just made sure I started my swing with my whole body on the right “track” (which is slightly inside the target line, which is exactly where your swing plane travels) and let the momentum do the rest.

Anyways, I am not giving you tips here, I am just telling you what worked for me but you are free to try it and tell me about it if it worked well for you to.

I know, my swing thoughts/theories change by daily basis but if this new method works time and time (which I highly believe I have finally found it!), I will make sure to take a video next time and show you what I mean.

Well, gotta go hit more balls, enough talkin’, let’s do more golfin’!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Save Par With These Shot

By Jack Moorehouse

Greens hit in regulation (GIR), as we’ve said in our golf tips newsletters, is a critical statistic in golf. GIR measures how often you hit greens with your approach shots, setting you up for a birdie putt. The more greens hit in regulation, the lower your scores. Hitting accurate approach shots is a must if you want to score well and cut your golf handicap. Obviously, you’ll need to put in some work perfecting your iron shots if you’re a poor iron player.

But even with hard work, you’ll still occasionally miss approach shots. If you end up in no man’s land—40 yards or less from the green—you’re often faced with a critical decision on what to do next. With courses becoming longer and longer, you may find yourself facing this decision more and more. Two shots that can help make that decision easier are the bump-and-run and the putt-chip. These shots are often taught in golf instruction sessions because of their stroke-saving capabilities.

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The Bump-And Run
The bump and run is easy to hit. All you need do is follow some simple rules. The first is: select a good landing spot. A general rule of thumb cited in golf lessons is to fly the ball about two-thirds of the way to the hole, then let it run the final third. When you pick your spot, which is usually short of the green, figure on a lower trajectory. Next, set up for a low shot. Narrow your stance with your front foot slightly open, play the ball back of center, and set your hands off the inside of your front thigh.

Once set up, take a short backswing. With a 9-iron all you need to do is take your arms back to waist high with just a touch of wrist hinge. This gives you about 25 yards of carry and 15 of roll. If you need to hit it farther, use an 8-iron. For shorter shots, use a pitching wedge. Your backswing length controls the shot’s distance so there’s no need to adjust your through swing. Also, turn through the shot just as you would normally do. Stop your follow through waist high.

Two keys with the bump-and-run are (1) release the club through impact and (2) keep your lower body still. If you release the club through impact, you’ll strike the ball with a square clubface. You did it right, if the toe of the club points skyward in your finish. If you keep the lower body still, you’ll ensure good solid contact. Start sliding here and you’ll have trouble making crisp contact and possibly mishit the shot.

The Putt Chip
Another par saving shot they teach in golf instruction sessions is the putt-chip. Short chips are critical to breaking 80, 90, or 100. They can turn two shots into one, saving you strokes. The shot’s mechanics are straightforward. Use your normal putting grip, play the ball inside your front heel, and set the club on its toe. Then use a pendulum like swing to chip the ball onto the green. If the ball is sitting down, place more weight on your front foot. This encourages a slight angle of descent through impact.

The key to this shot is setting the club on its toe. Simplifying your motion, hitting off the toe helps replicate your putting stance. It encourages the club to slide through the grass. And it “softens” the shot, increasing feel. In addition, keep your body still when swinging. Swing the club up with your arms going back. Then let it swing down.

Two shots can help save par when your approach shots misses: the bump and run and the putt chip. The bump-and-run provides a safe option when faced with a tight lie. The putt-chip removes the fear of chipping and puts the feel back in. Both shots help generate more pars, if executed correctly. Master them and they’ll also help you chop strokes off your golf handicap.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 13th, 2010 at 3:21 pm and is filed under Golf Articles. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

View the original article here

Continuous Rhythm, Light Hands!

Well, my swing has been getting better and better, thanks to continuous rhythm and light hands.? Today’s practice was a blast although there was a storm moving here into Northern California.? There was only one other guy at the range today and the range was closing rather early at 7pm.

Anyways, today I probably had one of the best swing days of my life (I know I say this often but my swing is getting better and better so…) and here’s some swing keys that helped me do that:

Hover the clubhead at address and feeling the weight of the golf clubhead.?? This helps you feel the weight of your golf club before you start your golf swing plus you won’t be starting from a completely static position, helping you to get into action.? Jack Nicklaus used to do this on all his shots even on putting, I highly suggest you to do this too.? It can also be a good pre-swing move, sorta like a push forward with your hands.At the top of my swing (actually it felt like I couldn’t distinguish between my backswing and downswing), my hands felt “weightless” or very light.? Also during transition, it felt so “smooth”, like butter.? To accomplish this rhythm, try waving your hands like a music conductor.? Oh yeah, that’s the feeling, smooth.

That was about it and I felt like my swing was simply an exaggerated version of my small chip/pitch shots.

Also, one more thing, if you start swinging badly, stop hitting full shots and hit very short 30 yard pitch shots.? To hit great 30 yard pitch shots, you will need to lighten your hands a lot and swing very smooth.? Once you can hit the ball really solid with your pitch shot rhythm, try it on your full shots.

Well, gotta go, I got a long weekend ahead of me although I still haven’t played a single round this year.? Gotta make money first then I should be on my way to PGA Tour baby!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Hit Downhill/Uphill/Sidehill Shots!

A lot of you may play great golf on flat courses where there are no hills but suffer bad scores on courses that have lots of hills. ? I personally grew up playing very, very hilly golf courses and practically 90% of all my shots were either downhill, uphill, or sidehill.

If you don’t know how to hit these shots, you might want to keep reading as I can show you that they are not that hard, you just need to understand the fundamentals behind it.

Downhill shots are probably the hardest of them all to hit because most of the time, the downhill slope de-lofts your clubface. ?For example, on a downhill shot, your pitching wedge will be more like a 9-iron or even 8-iron, depending on the angle of the slope.

Here’s THREE simple rules to remember about downhill shots:

One, setup with your ball further towards your right foot. ?Because of the downhill slope, your clubface will contact the ground much sooner, meaning you need to place your golf ball where you will hit it, further towards your right foot.

Two, obviously you will need to lean a bit more toward the hillside, the right, otherwise you will lose your balance.

Three, because your ball is now further towards your right foot, you need to aim left as your clubface will be slightly open at impact. ? Most of the time, I hit a 5-10 yard fade on downhill shots, just a rule of thumb I follow so I aim about 5-10 yards left target.

There’s more things you can do to enhance your downhill shotmaking skills but I am only going to make you learn the first three I mentioned here because these are perhaps the most important. ?One more thing, try to keep your best balance here and swing smooth and easy. ?This isn’t the best time to swing all-out.

For golf strategy, when you are on a downhill, your percentages are against you so play the safer shot instead of going for the green.

Uphill shots are probably the easiest of them all because you are hitting into the slope and usually you can get by hitting it pretty hard.

Uphill shots are just the exact opposite of downhill shots, here’s THREE simple rules to remember about uphill shots:

One, setup with your ball further towards the left foot. ?Again, the sloper will dictate that the best chance of hitting the ball is further towards the left foot.

Two, again lean a bit more towards the hillside, the left to keep balance.

Three, most likely you will hit a nice little draw because your golf ball is placed further left, aim 5-10 yards right of your target as a general rule of thumb.

For golf strategy, uphill shots are the ones to go for. ?If you are in a grey area where you could make a potential eagle/birdie by going for the green, by all means, this is the time to go for it, just aim right enough and make sure to follow through all the way to your target on the finish.

Sidehill shots are also one of the hardest to master, especially the ones where your body is sitting higher than your golfball.

For sidehill shots when your body is sitting higher than your golf ball, try to stand a bit closer to your golfball and also as tall as possible. ?From there, make a very smooth and easy swing. ? Remember, this is one of the most delicate shots (because of the angle) so take it easy!

Also, don’t forget to aim about 5-10 yards left (depending on the side slope) as your ball will be not fading but actually going at a different angle!

When your body is sitting lower than your golf ball, grip down about 1-2 inches on your golf club and make the same golf swing. ?No need for any changes other than that and also your golf ball will travel slightly from right to left so aim 5-10 yards right. ?This is much easier shot in my mind (because of the angles) so play more aggressive when you have lies where your golf ball is higher than your body.

For shots that are mix of an uphill and sidehill, you will have to take everything into consideration.

For example, if you have a downhill shot on a right-to-left slope (where your ball is higher than your body), you might want to put the ball slightly right toward the right foot, grip down about an inch on the club, and aim slightly right of the hole. ?Of course, the aiming part might be completely different depending on how much downhill/sidehill slope you are facing.

The important part is that you actually practice these uphill/downhill/sidehill shots with every club in your bag so you have your own “feel” of how the distance/aiming vary.

Trust me, these are one of the hardest shots to master but they could potentially be your best weapon when you are playing a hilly golf course.

You won’t be able to practice most of these shots on a practice range so I suggest you to practice them on the golf course. ?When it’s not too busy on the golf course, just make sure to hit 3-4 shots whenever you encounter these hilly shots.

Most importantly, know that you need to make these small adjustments on these shots, even on a slight slope. ? When you don’t, that might be the reason why you “duff” or “skull” the golf ball because you don’t play the slope, the slope plays you.

Practice, practice, and practice.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Properly Warm Up before Practicing/Playing Golf!

One of the most overlooked facts about golf is that most people believe it’s physically not intensive enough that you need to warm up before practicing/playing.

Actually the opposite is true, a golf swing requires proper functioning of your spine, lower body, shoulders, and the rest of the body.

I probably overlooked this fact too that I didn’t mention it so far on this golf blog but before any golf practice/play, I do a proper warm up for my body by swinging 2-clubs and stretching.

This is simple and common sense for those of you who have played golf for a long time but most amateurs do not warm up before practicing/playing golf.

Especially on cold days if you don’t warm up and stretch beforehand, you have more chances of injuring your lower back, which is critical for good golf.

So, here’s few warm up/stretching exercises you can do (that I do) before hitting any golf shots:

Get 2 of your heaviest clubs (for me it’s my lob and sand wedge) and start swinging very very slowly about 10-20 times until you can feel your body warm a bit.Next, you can do a bit of stretching.? First, I try touching my toes with my hands while standing up.? This gets you whole body and hamstrings stretched out well.Then, I will do some lateral rotations to stretch my spine, do like 5-10 of these.? When I do these, I usually hear some nice pops/cracks, which feels good and also prevents your muscles from hardening during practice/play.Also do some more leg stretching such as holding one of you foot behind you and standing with one leg.

These are just couple warm up/stretching exercises you can do but do them and I assure you, your back will thank you for it.

And one more thought, DON’T SWING THE DRIVER right away!

I usually start with small 50 to 75 yard pitch shots before moving up to full shots and the woods.? If you start with the driver, I guarantee you that you are going to ruin your swing.

Of course, that’s for practice.? If you are playing, just really try to get yourself warmed up on the practice tee beforehand.

P.S. Even better, if you have a practice green near where you practice shots, try hitting putts/chips before moving to the range.? This will help you maintain a good, soft rhythm that will carry to your full shots.

I’ve seen a handful of great players who do this, start with short shots and gradually move up to longer shots.? And they have great rhythm.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Getting Your Swing Plane on Track!

After struggling with my swing, especially my driver for months, I’ve finally managed to get my long drive shot back.

Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t duffing my driver or anything but for the last couple months, I couldn’t hit the driver as long as I used to near 300+ yards and with an effortless swing.

There was something “missing” with my golf swing and for last couple months, I’ve never missed a practice session on a daily basis.

Anyways, I did figure out exactly that yesterday, and boy it was one of the best days in my life!

So, let me just tell you what happened.

First, I got to the range and hit about 150 golf balls. Something just felt weird that day and I couldn’t hit the ball like I wanted to. It felt like my rhythm was gone and all the stuff I have been doing went to pieces.

I felt a but frustrated so I hit another 100 golf balls. Of course, even after hitting so many balls in one day, my swing didn’t feel 100% right.

Finally, I gave up and headed to the short game practice area so I can practice some chipping and pitching.

On the practice green, my chipping had become a lot better over the months and I was able to hit many great chip shots within inches of the cup.

Here’s where it ticked me though, while I was trying to practice these impossible flop shots over the bunker with literally just 5 feet of green to work with, I found a swing that would allow me to hit the ball perfectly and effortlessly. TWICE, I hit the pin and many times, I was able to hit this new flop shot I was working on within inches of the cup.

As I was working on the flop shot, my instincts took over and my swing felt like it was on a “track”.

Right after that, I kept thinking to myself, “what if I use this same swing on my full shots”?

Immediately, I bought another 50 golf balls and headed back to range. My stomach was growling really loud at this point but I was too sure that this new “swing” I found while hitting a flop shot is it.

So, I tried my flop shot swing on the range, and guess what! My swing felt like I was on a “track” and I hit the ball really great, especially with driver, where I can “feel” the solidarity and just rocketed off the sweetspot.

This feeling of ball “sweetness” was what I had been looking for the last 3-4 months.

The big question, “how did you do it”?

So here’s what I did for the flop shot, I just took my regular chip shot and extended it.

The flop shot actually isn’t much more than opening your clubface and using your regular golf swing. There’s a more “riskier” of using your wrists only but I don’t recommend that route as it’s inconsistent and I know this because that’s how I started hitting flop shots 20 years ago.

Here’s exactly how it felt to me:

At address, I simply start my whole body, including my tummy, upperbody (where triangle formed by your shoulders, arms, and hands move together) by “rotating” against my body’s axis slightly inside the target line.

Once my whole body (tummy + upperbod) started rotating slightly inside the target line about 2-3 feet), my body felt like it was on a “track”. I just keep the momentum of that initial rotation going and it “felt” like I was swinging “on-plane” without even trying.

After that, the downswing was easy too, just coming back in the same plane.

You know those big white circle swing-plane trainers? Yup, it felt like my swing was on that without even trying.

I think the “secret” recipe here is that I kept everything more simpler. I just made sure I started my swing with my whole body on the right “track” (which is slightly inside the target line, which is exactly where your swing plane travels) and let the momentum do the rest.

Anyways, I am not giving you tips here, I am just telling you what worked for me but you are free to try it and tell me about it if it worked well for you to.

I know, my swing thoughts/theories change by daily basis but if this new method works time and time (which I highly believe I have finally found it!), I will make sure to take a video next time and show you what I mean.

Well, gotta go hit more balls, enough talkin’, let’s do more golfin’!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

How Much Divot Should You Take? [Advanced Golf]

This whole month I am guilty of practicing only on mats at the range. ?Usually that’s no biggie but sometimes it can make you think you are hitting the ball awfully well but you might actually “not” be.

I did hit up the grass tees couple times lately at the range and notice something funny, I was taking rather large divots. ?Although I hit the ball good, making big and thick divots can make you hit “fliers”, ball with too much overspin and goes farther than you expected.

It’s always good to take the less divot as possible, especially if you hit the ball long like me. ?For most long hitters, hitting a flier can become a big problem as your error (of hitting fliers/too much divot) literally multiplies.

Also, divots should be as shallow as possible. ?Plus, by taking shallow divots, you are putting less strain on your hands, which also allows you to achieve higher swing speeds.

Bryon Nelson used to take huge divots that looked literally like a dollar bill. ?Of course, his divots were also “thin” as dollar bill.

My point here is that you want to make the shallowest, smallest divot possible because when you do that, it means you are getting more of the clubface onto the ball.

For long irons and woods off the fairway, you probably don’t even need any divot because your swing arc becomes shallow.

For middle to short irons off the fairway, a nice shallow divot starting “after” the ball is struck, would be ideal.

Most likely if you are making big-a** divots, there can be several reasons.

First, your golf clubs might be not probably fitted. ?If your taller or shorter than average AND you use standard-size golf clubs, you are probably gonna dig that toe or heel end of the clubhead into the ground at impact, throwing off your shot and also cause bigger divots. ? This is number one mistake I see among amateurs, they buy $2000 golf clubs and forget to custom-fit it to their body by getting longer shafts or cutting them to fit. ?Also, there’s the loft and lie angles of the clubhead you NEED to adjust. ? These things can all be done correctly if you ask your golf shop before ordering them. ?Don’t get lazy.

If you don’t custom-fit your clubs, that’s like buying medium size T-shirts and giving it to your super tall/skinny daughter and super short/fat son who needs to wear 2XXL.

Second, if you are making big divots, examine what they look like. ? For example, today I noticed that my divots were actually “aligned” about 15 yards left of my target, meaning my clubhead was closed at impact. ? The real cause of this closed clubface was because I didn’t rotate my clubhead and body enough to the right on my backswing.

I fixed it by making sure to “turn and rotate” my clubhead and body starting from address. ? Voila, I started making very, very thin and shallow divots again, the ones I am used to when I shoot under par.

Also, one more tip, when you are playing in the wind, actually try hitting the ball a bit thin. ?What this does is keeps your ball flight down and puts less backspin on your ball, which makes your shot less vulnerable to the wind.

You can practice these slightly “thin” shots by really keeping your upper body “UP” throughout the swing. ?Plus, these can come in reaaaaal handy out of those fairway bunkers, allowing you to easily hit the green when you have a decent lie.

Well, I just told you what kind of divots you should be making out there (and some wind-play secrets), don’t forget to subscribe!

P.S. I am actually in the process of writing my new golf book, “How to Lower Your Golf Scores”, if you want a free review copy, let me know at the comments line!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Practice the Driver!

For most of you, you probably have one shot with your driver, that is trying to hit it long as possible.

Well, let me tell you right off the bat, I can hit at least a dozen different shots with my driver including the full long drive, short knock-down drive, driver off the fairway, low-bullet slice shots around the trees, and the list can go endless.

Because of how the driver is designed, it can be a great weapon to use even off the fairway when there’s a fair amount of wind on the golf course or you are stuck under a low-hanging tree and you need to get the ball down the fairway as far as possible.

Of course, a long iron such as a 2 or 3-iron can also be good for hitting a low-bullet shot but the driver has some better results such as putting less backspin on the ball.? In the time you need to roll it more, the driver can come in very handy.

Well, let me just go over couple of these different shots you can practice with your driver so you can make 12 shots out of this driver club, not just one.

Having more weapons in your bag will help you become a scratch or better golfer but only knowing how to hit full shots will limit your potential as a golfer.

1. The Long Drive – I am sure you have this in your bag already, I won’t go much into details other than you should have a super-long drive ready to launch at a long par 5.

2. The Short Drive – At times, there’s a need for you to hit a distance off the tee, something between a driver and a 3-wood.? At those times you will want to grip down on the driver a little bit and make a three-quarter swing.? This will allow you to hit the ball little bit lower and control it better.? This short drive also works well on windy holes where a 3-wood balloon the golf ball in the air too much.? Anyways, this is probably more important driver shot than the Long Drive.? Look at the pros, even they are using it, especially Anthony Kim, he will grip down on almost every drive for better control and lower ball flight.? This isn’t an easy shot by the way if you don’t practice and learn to control your backswing so make sure you practice this before using it on the golf course. (or any of these shots for that matter)

3. The Short Drive Fade and Draw – Learn to really be able to work the ball left-to-right or right-to-left with these short drives, they can come in very handy for those dogleg-lefts and rights.

4. The Long Drive off the Fairway – This will require that you already hit the golf ball pretty solid.? This Long Drive off the Fairway can come in handy on super, long par 5s or super, windy conditions where you need to hit the ball far and run it too.

5. The Short Drive off the Fairway – This one is another one to practice for windy conditions and when you need to run the ball more than the 3-wood.

6. The Low-Bullet Shot – This low-bullet shot with the driver is basically same as a short drive off the fairway except you put the ball back in your stance slightly.? You won’t have to put the ball back too far back because the loft on the driver is already de-lofted a lot, just make a nice and short swing.

Also practice with different clubface angles.? For one, don’t close your clubface but rather open it up gradually and see what kind of results you get.

These shots can come in handy where you have to hit it under the tree then slice the heck out of it down the fairway.

Other than these, you might want to keep experimenting with different driver shots.? All these shots may seem like a waste of time but will actually help you hit the Long Drive good too because your hands will have to be light and your body will adjust to swing correctly.

Banging Long Drives one after another can be fun but they are usually detrimental to your overall golf swing and rhythm but if you mix your driver practice with all of these different ones I’ve outlined, you will make a much better use out of your driver plus better rhythm in the long run.

Remember, if you practice like everyone else on the range, you will only become like them. (a real good HACKER!)

Learn to be creative and create your own golf shots, that will ultimately be your competitive edge on the golf course when your competitor thinks you are stymied behind a tree, then stick it 2-feet from the pin using the low-bullet slice driver shot. :)

Bring out the best in yourself, don’t limit capabilities of a golf club to one shot.

Happy golfing!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Properly Warm Up before Practicing/Playing Golf!

One of the most overlooked facts about golf is that most people believe it’s physically not intensive enough that you need to warm up before practicing/playing.

Actually the opposite is true, a golf swing requires proper functioning of your spine, lower body, shoulders, and the rest of the body.

I probably overlooked this fact too that I didn’t mention it so far on this golf blog but before any golf practice/play, I do a proper warm up for my body by swinging 2-clubs and stretching.

This is simple and common sense for those of you who have played golf for a long time but most amateurs do not warm up before practicing/playing golf.

Especially on cold days if you don’t warm up and stretch beforehand, you have more chances of injuring your lower back, which is critical for good golf.

So, here’s few warm up/stretching exercises you can do (that I do) before hitting any golf shots:

Get 2 of your heaviest clubs (for me it’s my lob and sand wedge) and start swinging very very slowly about 10-20 times until you can feel your body warm a bit.Next, you can do a bit of stretching.? First, I try touching my toes with my hands while standing up.? This gets you whole body and hamstrings stretched out well.Then, I will do some lateral rotations to stretch my spine, do like 5-10 of these.? When I do these, I usually hear some nice pops/cracks, which feels good and also prevents your muscles from hardening during practice/play.Also do some more leg stretching such as holding one of you foot behind you and standing with one leg.

These are just couple warm up/stretching exercises you can do but do them and I assure you, your back will thank you for it.

And one more thought, DON’T SWING THE DRIVER right away!

I usually start with small 50 to 75 yard pitch shots before moving up to full shots and the woods.? If you start with the driver, I guarantee you that you are going to ruin your swing.

Of course, that’s for practice.? If you are playing, just really try to get yourself warmed up on the practice tee beforehand.

P.S. Even better, if you have a practice green near where you practice shots, try hitting putts/chips before moving to the range.? This will help you maintain a good, soft rhythm that will carry to your full shots.

I’ve seen a handful of great players who do this, start with short shots and gradually move up to longer shots.? And they have great rhythm.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Putt Better by Trying Less!

If you want to improve your putting, first thing you will want to do is “stop trying” to sink your putts.

I know, I know, the whole point of putting is that you want to make the ball go in the hole but if you keep your focus there, you will inevitably make less putts.

So, how do you putt better by trying less and “not” trying to sink every putt?

I want you to try this exercise, I assure you, this will help you putt better.

The next time you go out to the putting green, I want you to practice putting by hitting towards “nothing”.

What do I mean?

I want you to actually don’t worry about where your golf ball goes but rather, focus on your putting stroke. ?Keep putting the ball into “nothingness” while focusing on achieving solid hits.

When you start letting go of everything including that of making putts into a target, you will inevitably start developing a better putting stroke.

Having a good solid contact on all your putts is not only essential, it will pretty much determine whether your putt has a chance to go in the hole or not.

When you hit a solid putt, you will be able to feel it in your hands. ?This will happen because you made a good, free putting stroke without trying to manipulate it. ?When you hit your putts solid, you will be hitting them squarely in the center of the putter’s sweetspot.

When you hit putts solid, two things happen.

One, your putt won’t be affected as much by the slope nor the putting surface.

Second, you will inevitably sink more putts because your putts “roll” true and smooth.

On the other hand, if you don’t hit your putts solid, you probably don’t even have a chance of making it. (unless you got lucky)

Most pros on tour don’t miss putts because they mis-read the putt, they miss them because they didn’t hit their putts solid.

Once you have mastered your putting stroke, then you can start trying to sink putts on the practice green.

If you keep hitting putts that don’t feel good in your hands, it’s always a good idea to focus on your putting stroke by practicing the stroke itself.

Even one of the best putters in the world Ben Crenshaw tells you to do this in his instructional putting video. ?Plus, did you know that Ben Crenshaw used to sink putts from everywhere with 1 quick look at the hole when he was a teenager? ?This is because when you hit your putts solid as hell, you will sink a LOT of putts, as simple as that.

If you don’t believe me, try this next time you are on the putting green.

I really could give a damn how you putt whether that’s left hand down the shaft, criss-cross, or whatever but if you can hit your putts solid, you are gonna be winning more skins and your friends will wonder why you are such damn good putter. (and them always buying you dinner)

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Swing “Effortlessly” with Rhythm!

Yesterday, I showed you how to practice with less balls (and with quality), well today, let me show you how to swing “effortlessly” with great rhythm, something that happened to me by accident.

While trying to take it slow and really focus on every practice ball I hit, one of the things I used to do suddenly hit me. ? (I know, it’s slowly coming back, hitting the golf ball pure.)

When I used to hit the ball really well, I remember being able to hit every club in my golf bag effortlessly, even the driver.

Essentially, when I used to hit the ball effortlessly, I could hit thousands of balls continuously without rest.

Well, I suddenly remembered that all I did was think of an “effortless” rhythm.

I started applying an “effortless” rhythm and immediately I began to start hitting the ball pretty darn good, straight and actually longer than ever (because I was hitting the ball squarely on the sweetspot time after time).

If ?you watch pros on TV, you know how “effortless” they swing. ?Simply copy their rhythm and I bet you will hit the ball better.

The only way you will be able to learn the “effortless” rhythm is by seeing it in your mind and practicing it on the practice tee.

So, let me show you exactly what I mean with bunch of great golf swings that I would call “effortless” on YouTube:

Take a look at Fred Couple’s driver shot on (the first one) on this video:

That would be an “ideal” rhythm where you can clearly see Freddie isn’t trying to hit the ball hard (although he does) but has a great “effortless” rhythm.

Here’s Tiger’s iron swing back in 2005:

I like the rhythm on this one, that’s what you should be trying to look at, trying to grasp the “rhythm”.

Also check out Jack Nicklaus’s iron shot rhythm on this one:

A bit fast but the rhythm is “effortless”, you can see how smooth Jack’s transition is from the top to the downswing, that’s what you want.

Also check out Greg Norman’s short iron shot from his prime:

Greg Norman’s wedge shots are a thing of beauty, especially his rhythm, looks so “effortless”.

These are just the “best” examples I could find of many golf pros that looks “effortless”.

Watch these videos over and over and try them the next time you are on the course or the practice range.

Happy golfin’~

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Swing With Your Body!

For those of you who want to really learn to swing with your body, you will want to read the rest of this blog post.

To really swing with your body, there’s one exercise I do and let me tell you how to do that exercise.

First, I want you to setup with a golf club (any will do) and take your address as if you are going to swing a real ball.

Second, I want you to grip it with both of your hands like you would normally then take your left hand off there while leaving your right hand on the golf club.

Third, I want you to use your body to move your shoulders, arms, hands, and the golf club to the top of your swing very, very slowly. ?Let me emphasize again that you want to do this as slowly as possible and feel all your big muscles like the torso and the core of your body doing the turning of the backswing.

Also when you use your body to get to the top of the swing, I want you to really “feel” your body “turning”.

Can ?you feel it yet?

If you can feel it, that’s how you swing a golf club with your body.

For the downswing, it’s the same thing, you use your body to control the downswing.

Why is this so important?

Because when you swing the golf club with your body, you will be able to swing the same way time and time and also be able to hit the ball longer, straighter, and effortlessly.

Also if you tend to take a lot of time from golf like I have been, it simply makes sense to have a golf swing that’s easy to repeat and uses your body as control point.

Anyways, I’ve been using this new swing (that I’ve forgotten) lately and hitting like every fairway, flawless iron shots that “nip” the grass just right.

Try it, really, and I bet it will help you feel what the correct golf swing motion is like.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

How to Swing Without Using Your Hands!

In golf, using your hands on the downswing too much or manipulating them can be one of the worst things you can do. In fact, that’s what 99% of golfers actually do, uncock their hands first from the top and then wonder why they didn’t hit the ball far enough nor straight.

Today, I realized something about my golf swing, something I used to do, that is to swing without using your hands.

How to swing without using your hands?

It’s easy, don’t use your hands on the downswing.

What I do is actually think of my hips turn instead. From the top of your backswing, all you really need to do is think about your lower body “clearing” or in simple words, turning towards your target. The rest of your body should follow and you shouldn’t need to “consciously” think of your hands at all.

So, next time you head out to the range, don’t swing with your hands, it can only hurt you.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Monday, October 18, 2010

Putting Secrets – How to “Hook” Your Putts!

Okay, I am going to let out another cat out of the bag, that is “hooking” your putts.

I’ve been recently noticing that I have been “naturally” hooking my putts, virtually every one of them.? This occurred naturally while just trying to make solid contact with the ball.

By the way, I have been making helluva more putts with my new “hook” method.

When you put a slight right-to-left spin on the ball while you putt, your ball will roll more true than if you simply hit it normally.? I also found that by hooking my putts, I was able to make more left-to-right putts and right-to-left putts.

The only drawback is that you will have to adjust your aiming accordingly, meaning you might want to aim more right for right-to-left putts and play for less break on left-to-right putts.

For me, an inside to slightly outside putting stroke is natural since I mainly use my wrists to putt.

I find I putt better with my wrists plus more feel when I let my hands do most of the work.

The inside-out path is natural when you simply use your wrists to putt.

To try my new putting method, simply take the clubhead back, letting it hinge on your wrists.? You will find that the path of the putter will automatically go inside.

On the follow-through, simply let the putter clubhead swing through to the target, you will find that the path of the putter will naturally go slightly outside then straight towards the target.

Because this is a natural movement and I am sinking more putts, I decided to stick with it.

When you do this right, you won’t notice any “hooks” with naked eye but you will notice that you can “hook” the ball on right-to-left putts (meaning you have to aim more right) and you will be able to hit those slightly left-to-right putts straight at the cup without compensating for any breaks.

Remember, the “hook” part is ever so slight that it can’t really be seen with the naked eye, it’s a “feel” thing so don’t over do it!? (Perhaps like 1-3 degrees of inside-outness…)

If you look at Tiger’s putting, he also “hooks” his putts.? (There’s even a golf training tool you can buy here.? They call it inside-down-the-line path but it’s really the same thing.)

I’ve also noticed that one of the greatest putters Ben Crenshaw does a similar move in his teaching videos.

Of course, you can also do this without using your wrists only but I don’t know how to teach you that.? Perhaps the golf training aid will help although I don’t believe in any training aids because you can’t use it on the golf course.

Anyways, this is really for advanced golfers.? If you are not already accomplished putter, perhaps you might want to just try hitting putts straight and keep it simple.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Putting Tips – How to Putt Consistently!

Last time I showed you some putting secrets of how to roll the putt better by hooking it.? Well, today, let me give you couple tips that will help you putt even better.

First, I don’t really care how you grip but your putter should “hang” naturally from your hands.? This fixes many putting flaws.? When your putter is “hanging” naturally by gravity from your hands, your putting stroke will have consistency.

To do this, simply feel the weight of the putter head and make sure you can feel it “hanging” off your hands and arms right before you begin the putt.? You will also find this is easier to achieve if you stand up as tall as you can.

As for the putting grip, I find that the one with your thumbs going down the middle of the shaft works best.? Also, I have tried “looser” putting grips where your thumbs are placed diagonally across the putter grip.? These are good for light hands but ultimately make you miss short putts, where it counts.

For your putting stroke, make sure it’s a “stroke” back and forth, not a “hit” back and forth or any other fast, jerky movements.

Try to keep your putting clubhead on the ball as long as you can and that is what I mean by “stroking” the golf ball.

When you do this right, you will find you hit more putts solid and they also “feel” right in your hands.

As for the putting rhythm, try to mimic a metronome.? Just like an old wall clock that goes back and forth, your putting stroke is the same.? No need to get more complicated than “1-and-2″ rhythm.

Remember, when you practice putting, you are striving to achieve a putting stroke that will roll your ball smoothly on the green.

A great way to test your roll is to putt on a humid green when there’s a lot of fog.? Try a long putt about 30 feet and see if your golf ball “jumps” or “skips”. If it does, that means you are not doing it right, apply my tips until your golf ball “rolls” smoothly.? When you have truly master the art of putting, your golf ball should never “jump” or “skip” on foggy greens.

It’s Friday, I hope y’all have tee times, and I will have more golf tips next week!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

The Right Frame of Mind for Perfecting Your Golf Swing!

The other day I told you I have found my swing and that I was going to detail exactly how to accomplish an easy-to-use and simply golf swing.

Well, it turns out the as soon as I tried to find out exactly what I was doing, I kept having more trouble than ever.

I think the right frame of your mind is more important to “perfect” your swing, that is to try not “perfecting” it.

For example, I can hit the ball super solid with my irons, most of them hitting within yards of my target.? As soon as I get to my driver or 3 wood, my tendency is to pull 30-yards left of my target.

Now, here’s the question of the day, do you fight it so it will go to your target or just play the 30-yard pull-draw?

You could hit 1,000 balls fighting it or simply play your 30-yard pull-draw so long as it brings you consistent results.? (Sometimes, playing your “natural” shots might be the smartest option than fighting it.)

You see, a lot of people depend too much on imaginary lines and alignment to determine where they should be hitting the ball.? With golf, that’s only part of the equation to playing well and those lines do not help you on the golf course since a human body was never “designed” to hit a golf ball.? Thus, we must always fight our human body angles and make-up some sort of sense to our golf swing.? Golf teachers and alike try to devise concrete ways to teach the golf swing but in the end, I feel that those are only “guidelines” and ultimately, every golfer will have different swing based on their human anatomy.

In simple words, there’s a perfect swing for everyone but that cannot apply to everyone else.

Take my human anatomy makeup for example, my left shoulder is higher than my right, which in golf, means that I would have to align slightly more “right” of my target than other normal people with same shoulder height.

That’s only one of the oddities I have, my feet are also “flat-footed”, meaning they stay on the ground more than 99% of the population out there.

All these little things cause the “quirks” in my swing, they are so natural to me and sometimes, I cannot apply every swing technique the top pros use in the world.

No golf pro in the world can tell you exactly the right way you can swing unless they have gone to medical school and examined your whole body thoroughly for any abnormalities.

For most hackers, basic golf tips will help but for those like me who are trying to reach another level from scratch, things I’ve outlined here can make me or kill me.

So what?

You need to try different things to see if you strike the ball more solid and square that might be more “natural” to your anatomy.

Here’s some great ways to find your own golf swing and something I do to find my own golf swing:

First and foremost, you will want to find a golf grip that feels comfortable to you whether that’s weak or strong.? Try a weak grip, neutral grip, and a strong grip and see what feels most natural to you.? For most of you, a neutral grip will be the best (where the Vs point to your right shoulder).? For me, I use a neutral grip with my right hand slightly weaker with the V pointing at my chin or even my left shoulder.? This is also because I have a tendency to “flip” with my hands.? With a slightly weaker right hand grip, I find I can hit the golf ball super solid and straight.? Even Ben Hogan did something along the lines of this.? Important part here is to find your “comfortable” grip that lets you hit the ball straight and far. Too many golf pros tell you to use either neutral grip or strong grip, I think that starts a lot of unnatural golf movements.After you find the grip, try different swing planes.? As a general rule of thumb, a strong grip will work best with more vertical swing planes (like Fred Couples) whereas a weak grip will work best with flatter swing planes (like Ben Hogan).? These are simply due to human anatomy, so please make sure to follow the guide as using strong grip on flatter plane will probably make you duck-hook every shot while using weak grip with a vertical swing plane will make you banana-slice every shot.? Grip and plane always go in sets, you must have the right swing plane for your grip, something most golfers don’t know.Stance – Try narrow and wide stance, see what feels more comfortable to you.? I use a slightly narrower stance for my normal shots because I feel like I am in more balance.? You might feel the opposite though, try both and see which one works for you.?? Remember, a perfect golf swing is the one that feels good to you, not one where you have to manipulate.

These are probably the 3 things you can experiment with to find a better way to strike the golf ball.? I just find that there’s too many traditional golf instructions out there but not many mention the fact that everyone has a different human make-up and a golf swing must be “custom-made” for each person.

Well, these are my golf tips for those of you who want to improve your shotmaking, I will regress myself from saying that I have ever found a “method” to swing but rather, there’s a way for you to find it yourself.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Tips for Improving the Follow Through of Your Golf Swing!

(This was my follow through couple years back, one of the best ways to improve your follow through is to imagine the swing plane (as I have drawn the yellow line, and try swinging your body in sync with it.)

Today, I was at the range and had one of those “ah ha” moments. ?Because I haven’t really played much golf up until recently around end of last year, I had failed to follow through correctly.

But, today I figured it out and got my swing back.

Here’s what I realized and some tips for improving your golf swing’s follow through.

Like I was telling you the other day you want to use images as swing thoughts, I want you to do the same except “vision” your hands, arms, and body following through toward your target.

When you do this correctly, your body should automatically turn to your left side and come up. ?If your body doesn’t come up, that means you are probably not following through correctly.

After the follow through, you should arrive at a nice finish with most of your weight on the left foot for a full swing.

Also, one more thing, you want to feel “free” while doing this. ?When you really free yourself of any tension during the follow-through, you will feel like you are actually swinging in an imaginary track formed by your swing plane. ?This is because you are swinging correctly, with your body, and you are feeling the centripetal force pushing your arms, hands, and the golf club outwards towards the target.

If you can achieve this feeling, you will inevitably hit the ball more solid and consistently as I did today.

Well, that’s all for today folks, have a great weekend and I will tell you all about my round tomorrow.

P.S. Oh yeah, my chipping is awesome now, I kept it simple now getting everything within a foot! ?If you haven’t practiced your short game (even though I haven’t wrote much on it lately), YOU SHOULD!!!

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Why 99% of Pro Golfers FAIL to Make it to the PGA Tour!

During my year-long stint as a mini-tour golfer, I’ve came to realize many things including the reason why 99% of pro golfers out there FAIL to make it to the PGA Tour.

Here’s the top reasons:

1. They run out of money.

2. They don’t have financial back-up to go for a long time.

3. They simply don’t have the talent.

Well, my top 2 reasons are probably the #1 reason why not all of the Top 10 college golf players never even see a day playing at the PGA Tour.? Of course, the lucky ones will have all the money in the world but simply lack the talent to make it to the PGA Tour.? (For example, they try out the PGA Qualifying school and fail 10 years straight.)

For those who have tried and failed, my advice is to move on with better things in life.? As great as life of a pro golfer looks on TV, what you see is only a share of world’s best talent in my opinion.? I have seen many great golfers including amateurs and pros that never make it simply they get caught up with life, that of making a living.

To make a living as a mini-tour golfer, you must practically finish somewhere the Top 30, it doesn’t matter which mini tour you play including Canadian Tour, Hooters Tour, Nationwide Tour, and etc…etc…

So, where do these 99% of others go?? They simply lose desire to play pro golf or get caught up making a living.

If you have kids who want to grow up to be pros on the PGA or LPGA tour, they better have good financial backup.

On average, you probably need at least $50,000 a year just in expenses for golf equipment, practice/playing fees, and competition entry fees.

Pro competition fees can be pretty hefty and unless you make hundred grand from your day job, I don’t think there’s a way for you to play pro golf competitively.

So what?

Just realize that if you are going to play pro golf, you should have a smart financial plan so you can keep going even if your scores don’t make you money.

It’s a whole different ball game than being an amateur because your life is basically on the line.? How well you play determines whether you will eat bread the next day or not.

As for me, I broke my finger and also ran out of money only a year into my mini-tour stint.? I didn’t realize how much money I needed until I started making money with pro golf.

Luckily, after 6 years of jumbling my life and starting my own online blogging business, I am glad I can slowly start back at my dreams again, that of playing competitively with the top pros in the world.

Don’t get me wrong, the pros on the PGA Tour are probably the best of the crop but playing on the PGA Tour is a lot easier if you can keep trying and you have some sponsors to back you up. (and also time to practice/play everyday)

And don’t forget, some even make it to the PGA Tour, win a couple tournaments, then fall into thin air.

That’s simply golf, it’s not so predictable, even if you are the best in the world.

I just wonder, whatever happened to some of those golfers I used to know who were so good? Well, they’ve moved on.? I am not.? Ricky Barnes is one of those who made it btw and I hope Joel Kribel does well soon too, they both got a ton of talent.

If you want to improve your swing, try the Medicus Driver.

For deals on golf clubs, don't forget to check out Golfsmith Outlet store and GlobalGolf for used golf clubs.

View the original article here

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Four Steps To A Slice-Free Swing

By Jack Moorehouse

If you usually slice off the tee, you’re costing yourself strokes. Slicing lands you in instant trouble, leaving you with bad lies and tough shots. More importantly, slicing boosts your golf handicap and increases pressure on your short game. Most slicers know this. That’s why they’re always looking for a cure. Some find it. Others don’t. Those who don’t find a solution often get frustrated.

But you don’t have to get frustrated with your slice. You can eliminate it once and for all by following a simple, four-step process. It tells you why you slice and provides golf tips that can help correct it. In the end you get a slice-free swing that has you thinking—and acting—like a new player. Eliminating your slice helps chop strokes off your golf handicap and eliminates frustration. Below is the four-step process:

Step 1: Examine Your Divots
Slicers create three types of divots. Each reveals the mechanical problems behind their slice.
Divots that move extremely left of the target line result from swings combining an open clubface and an incorrect swing path.
Divots that move somewhat left of target and then curve back across the target line result from a faulty swing path traveling outside in and across the ball.
Divots that move relatively in line with the swing path but drift slightly left result from and open clubface at impact.

Step 2: Determine Your Downswing Type
Downswings are driven by either a pulling (rotary) or a pushing (lever) motion. A rotary-driven swing uses the hip and trunk rotation as the primary force moving the club. With this type of swing, the golfer turns his or her body counterclockwise, with the club being dragged through impact. A lever-driven swing is one in which the right hand and forearm are the primary force behind the downswing. With this type of swing, the shoulder and chest rotation are delayed as the right hand and forearm power the club down into impact.

Step 3: Match Your Grip
It’s critical that your grip matches your downswing type. If you’re a rotary swinger, you need a stronger grip than a leverage swinger. A stronger grip counters the open impact position by keeping the right hand and elbow bent and tucked into the body, which in turn lowers the right shoulder and keeps the clubhead on the correct path.

If you’re a lever swinger, you want a more conventional grip or even a bit of a weaker grip. For a lever swinger, a grip that’s too strong results in a closed clubface at impact, producing hooks. To make sure your grip works with your swing type, focus on developing a setup position that’s correct and use your impact position to check on your grip—when your wrists unhinge at impact, the clubface should be square.

Step 4: Find The Slot
It’s critical you get the club properly slotted.? It’s also critical you match your transition to your swing type. If you’re a rotary swinger, the most important things to focus on when making the transition into the slot are letting the arms be relatively passive so they can swing freely and maintaining a slightly closed clubface position. At the top the rotary swinger’s position is somewhat flatter than the lever swinger’s and the left wrist is slightly bowed. Both are musts.

If you’re a lever swinger, the most important things to focus on when making the transition is shifting your weight onto the left leg, shifting the left shoulder left with no pulling of the left arm, and keeping the right wrists bent. At the top, the most important things are keeping the clubface square and the right hand and wrist bent to maintain width and keep the club on path.

Slicing is the game’s most common swing fault. It’s also among its deadliest. If you slice consistently off the tee, you’re often find yourself in instant trouble. This costs you strokes and boosts your golf handicap. To eliminate your slice, follow the four-step process described above. It will help you to hit them long and straight. Hitting them long and straight like they teach you in golf lessons boosts confidence and saves frustration.

This entry was posted on Monday, August 9th, 2010 at 2:17 pm and is filed under Golf Articles. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Five Keys To Hitting Crisp Wedges

A recent article PGA standout Sergio Garcia stressed the importance of hitting good wedge shots. We couldn’t agree more with Sergio. Good wedge play is the foundation of a solid short game. A good wedge shot—whether hit with a pitching, sand, lob, or flop wedge—can turn three shots into two and bogies into pars. Over the course of a round, good wedge play can mean the difference between breaking 100, 90, or even 80. If you’re serious about shaving strokes off your golf handicap, master your wedges.

Below are five keys to help you hit solid wedges consistently.

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Set-Up Correctly
Not all bad shots stem from bad swings. Sometimes, they’re the result of not setting up correctly. That’s why in individual golf lessons we emphasize setting up properly for all shots, not just wedge shots. The keys to setting up correctly for wedge shots are to bend natural from the hips, keep the knees flexed slightly, use a one piece takeaway, position the ball back in your stance, and employ a three-quarter swing to better control the shot. More importantly, use a slightly open stance. It helps you clear the left side (right side, if you’re left-handed) in the downswing. Setting up properly delivers the clubface back to the ball on an ideal path and angle of attack.

Smooth and Simple
You must keep your swing smooth and simple when hitting wedges. Wedges aren’t woods. You don’t need a lot of power to hit them. You also don’t need a lot of lower body action. You can hit solid wedges with a minimum of effort. When you hit wedge shots, you should almost feel flat-footed. They require so little effort to hit you should be able to hit a bucket of balls without tiring. Simply turn through the ball.

Open The Face
If our golf lessons we see a lot of weekend players close the clubface during their takeaways. Holding the clubface closed as you go back is fatal. It kills you’re rhythm and stops you from rotating the clubface naturally. If you don’t allow the natural rotation of your forearms both back and through your swing, you can’t stay connected during the swing or accelerate through impact. Opening the clubface during the takeaway creates a smooth accelerating release that produces clean, crisp contact.

Natural Rotation
You must avoid a forced rotation of your forearms when taking the club back. Let it happen naturally. It’s easy to see in golf instruction sessions how some students confuse opening the clubface with twisting the wrists, which whips the clubhead behind you. It’s not the same. Opening the clubface is more natural than twisting. So let it happen. The feeling you’re after is a gently rolling of your forearms. You’ll know you’re doing it correctly, if the top of your club points out in front of you when you complete your swing, not toward the sky.

Knuckles Down
Ball position with wedges is toward the center. This back ball position is where the bottom of your natural wedge swing occurs in front of the ball. It’s what allows you to hit down on the ball, but only if you maintain a descending swing path. To make sure this happens, focus on keeping the left-hand knuckles (right-hand knuckles, if you’re left handed) pointing toward the ground. If they point up, you have no chance of making crisp contact.

Wedges are key scoring clubs. They’re invaluable when you need to hit it close after missing the green with an approach shot. The five keys discussed above—along with the accompanying golf tips—will help you hit clean, crisp, accurate wedges. If you’re serious about shaving strokes off your golf handicap, master your wedges. They can help you turn three shots into two, as we often said in our golf tips newsletter, and bogies or double bogies into pars.

This entry was posted on Monday, September 20th, 2010 at 1:08 pm and is filed under Golf Articles. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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