Saturday, November 1, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
One Of The Best Golf Instructions Ever!

According to NGT Research, there are over 60 million golfers in the world today and less than half of will ever break 100. 33% will break 90 and only 5 % will ever break 80.
However, a book called "How To Break 80" that has been described by thousands of readers as "The Best Golf Instruction ever!" is helping more and more golfers to break 80 today.
After years of practice and tinkering, the author discovered the magic formula that had enabled him to break 80 nearly every time he played a round of golf! He was able to do exactly what the pros do consistently and applied it to his own game with astonishing results.
This book is a complete manual on how to shoot your best scores ever. Simple steps and drills are provided to ensure you can incorporate these new techniques into your game. Golfers from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Ecuador, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Great Britain, Spain, Portugal and Scandinavia who have used the new techniques are sending in their success stories every week because they have seen the program work for them. This is simply the Best Golf Instruction they have come across.
Here is the testimonial of one of the many satisfied users of the "Best Golf Instruction" techniques:
-----Original Message-----
From: Ray (RWFL) [mailto:ray@]
Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:28 PM
To: How To Break 80
Subject: RE: Ray, How's The Book?
Hi there Jack
Well I'll be damned! Bought your book last week, spent 3 days studying and
practicing the most obvious weak parts of my game ( 15 handicap so plenty of
weak areas!)and went out and shot my lowest round ever, an 83 on a course
where my only previous rounds have been, 92, 94,95, and 91.
Incredible! The 3 things I did immediately was mothball my driver and
replace with the 3 wood, replaced the long irons with a 5 and 7 wood, and
followed your guidelines on chipping from 40m out. I opened my stance, set
the ball further back, placed weight more on front foot, pushed my hands in
front of ball and voila, high, straight chips that land softly and
occasionally even spun back a few inches. Wow!!
Guess what, I'm enjoying the game more, I'm practicing with more intent and
can't wait for my next round on Friday.
Thank you, thank you, so much.
Greetings from sunny South Africa!
Ray Bienedell
To know more about the Best Golf Instruction, go here now:
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The New Amazing Simplified Golf Swing

Simple Golf LLC has just introduced a new amazing simplified golf swing called the Symple Power Swing™. And it has taken the golf world by storm. Some call it the true next generation power golf swing.
Symple Swing is the product of 10 years of research and development. You only have to learn one basic motion and you use that basic motion of every shot from chipping to your driver. You will finally have a swing you can trust.
This Simplified Golf Swing is much more efficient and much easier to learn than all other golf swings including the conventional swing or alternative swings. Symple Swing is longer, more accurate and more consistent than the conventional natural swing.
Owing to the fact that it's so very efficient and so easy to learn Simple Golf LLC guarantee this Simplified Golf Swing will give golfers more distance, more accuracy & more consistency. They also include free support with Symple Swing…something most of the other golf companies would not be able to do!
Among other things, you’d gain the following benefits from The Symple Power Swing:
• Such a simple golf swing that an average golfer can learn the basic swing in one day.
• The Simple Power Swing is very long! You will gain 20 yards or more with your driver. You will gain one club or more with your irons
• Your accuracy will improve 50% or more
• You will enjoy 1000% more confidence
• You will just almost completely eliminate fat shots and tops
• The Simple Power Swing will cure your slice - guaranteed.
• Your address position pre-sets you for impact so there are many fewer body parts moving during your swing.
• You will enjoy golf more than you ever had before
• You only have to learn one swing. Symple Swing works well for woods and irons
To get more information about the Simplified Golf Swing or the Symple Power Swing,
please CLICK here
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Practice These Putting Exercises
Increase Your Distance of Putting
1) Set up five golf balls. Start about a foot from the hole. Set each ball another 1 to 3 feet back, on the same target line.
2) Putt the first ball in and move back to the second ball.
3) Put each ball in the hole from it's location. If you miss, stay at that distance until you get your putt in the hole.
4) Vary the exercise by moving balls further away from the hole or to a more challenging path.
Aim for Consistency
1) Find a straight in putt line.
2) Set yourself up about 4 to 5 feet away, and put a marker off your set up point. If the 4-foot mark seems to get too easy, move back farther.
3) Pile about 10 balls behind your set up point, and begin putting.
4) Keep track of how many putts you can make in a row. When you miss a putt, start your count over again. This gives goals to work towards and experience putting under pressure.
Understand the Green
1) Set your first putt up about a foot from the hole, using an uphill lie, if possible.
2) Make the putt, and go back to your starting spot. Move the ball and starting spot to the left about a foot and back another foot.
3) Aim from there and putt until you make it.
4) Continue by rotating to the left and back one foot each time. Continue until you have gone all the way around the hole and made each putt to finish the exercise.
1) Set up five golf balls. Start about a foot from the hole. Set each ball another 1 to 3 feet back, on the same target line.
2) Putt the first ball in and move back to the second ball.
3) Put each ball in the hole from it's location. If you miss, stay at that distance until you get your putt in the hole.
4) Vary the exercise by moving balls further away from the hole or to a more challenging path.
Aim for Consistency
1) Find a straight in putt line.
2) Set yourself up about 4 to 5 feet away, and put a marker off your set up point. If the 4-foot mark seems to get too easy, move back farther.
3) Pile about 10 balls behind your set up point, and begin putting.
4) Keep track of how many putts you can make in a row. When you miss a putt, start your count over again. This gives goals to work towards and experience putting under pressure.
Understand the Green
1) Set your first putt up about a foot from the hole, using an uphill lie, if possible.
2) Make the putt, and go back to your starting spot. Move the ball and starting spot to the left about a foot and back another foot.
3) Aim from there and putt until you make it.
4) Continue by rotating to the left and back one foot each time. Continue until you have gone all the way around the hole and made each putt to finish the exercise.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Biomechanics of the Golf Swing: Improving your Game in a Hurry
by George Burnham
It is no surprise in today's world; people want things quickly and conveniently. Well this also goes for sports. Many have become interested in the sport of golf and the same concept goes on here, people want to improve their game in a hurry. Well this is a very difficult challenge. Being one of the hardest sports today makes it very hard to develop certain skills quickly but I think offering tips is a useful place to start.
Well first off like many other avid golfers the first thing we are all trying to do is perfect a repeatable swing this right off the bat will give us a fighting chance. Well this is easier said then done, not anyone can just go out there and produce fundamentally sound repeatable swing every time. So if I could have your attention for a second I would tell you that most of what is going wrong is in your body. This all has to do with your golf flexibility. For example when you take that back swing of yours it should feel smooth and consistent. So the first thing I would say is to get out there and improve your overall flexibility for producing a golf swing where your swing all the way through should feel smooth and second nature, this is the first key to success. Being able to do this enables you to figure out when something is going wrong later down the road.
The second and final key to success for improvement would be head movement. This is an easy concept. What you want to do is once you get your swing feeling nice and smooth slow it down and concentrate on never moving your head, from your back swing all the way to your follow through your head and eyes should remain on the ball. Hopefully these few tips help, although seeming easy and fundamental they are important.
About the Author
So if you want to lengthen your drive and want proven results to cut your handicap by 7-12 strokes please visit my blog:Biomechanics of Golf Swing or visit The Simple Golf Swing website
It is no surprise in today's world; people want things quickly and conveniently. Well this also goes for sports. Many have become interested in the sport of golf and the same concept goes on here, people want to improve their game in a hurry. Well this is a very difficult challenge. Being one of the hardest sports today makes it very hard to develop certain skills quickly but I think offering tips is a useful place to start.
Well first off like many other avid golfers the first thing we are all trying to do is perfect a repeatable swing this right off the bat will give us a fighting chance. Well this is easier said then done, not anyone can just go out there and produce fundamentally sound repeatable swing every time. So if I could have your attention for a second I would tell you that most of what is going wrong is in your body. This all has to do with your golf flexibility. For example when you take that back swing of yours it should feel smooth and consistent. So the first thing I would say is to get out there and improve your overall flexibility for producing a golf swing where your swing all the way through should feel smooth and second nature, this is the first key to success. Being able to do this enables you to figure out when something is going wrong later down the road.
The second and final key to success for improvement would be head movement. This is an easy concept. What you want to do is once you get your swing feeling nice and smooth slow it down and concentrate on never moving your head, from your back swing all the way to your follow through your head and eyes should remain on the ball. Hopefully these few tips help, although seeming easy and fundamental they are important.
About the Author
So if you want to lengthen your drive and want proven results to cut your handicap by 7-12 strokes please visit my blog:Biomechanics of Golf Swing or visit The Simple Golf Swing website
How To Improve A Golf Swing Using An Easy Golf Swing Techniques
Submitted By: Jena Luthovski
What differentiates Tiger Woods from other golfers? Well, he manifests a great swing, which makes him get the ball in the right direction and length he desires. Improving your swing can make your game a lot better. A person’s golf swing is the important skills that you should learn in the game. If you can master the swing, you will have more or less unraveled game.
Golf gurus and literature claims that an excellent golf swing has three segments. These three segments are: the ‘down swing’, the ‘back swing’, and ‘the impact - follow through’.
This is where every shot begins. This is where the result of the hit is dependent. You should focus on equally placing your body rotation as well as the arm and club extension.
This is the second segment of the golf swing. It starts from the hips and in the legs. You should include, during the swing, a good transfer of the weight of your body from the back to the front with your hips, thighs and knees. The impact and follow through complete the whole swing. During the impact stage, the weight of your body should be on the outside of your heel and the inside of your rear foot.
It will take you so time to get used in swinging your body for an ideal golf swing. You should have more patience and perseverance in practicing this technique. Remember that a wrong habit is every easy to inculcate, however, it is difficult to iron out once it sets in the game. Proper guidance is needed because endless practice is not effective if you are doing it in a wrong way.
Here are some basic and quick swing fixes that you can use to improve your golf swing:
- You need to do a 5 minute muscle stretching before you hit your first. Stretching and warming up could save you strokes during the first few holes.
- Map the course of the ball mentally. A straighter and longer hit is achievable if you focus more on your goal.
- Pick a target and stand behind the ball. Before aiming, you need to have a clear target instead of just aiming it straight ahead.
Remember that golf is a mental game. You need to picture yourself doing a perfect hit. It is also very important to look the part while golfing. Golf is a relaxing sport so one should feel relaxed in their clothing.
About the Author
Jena Luthowski writes about Golf Products, Golfballs and Golfsmith coupons.
Published At:
Permanent Link:
What differentiates Tiger Woods from other golfers? Well, he manifests a great swing, which makes him get the ball in the right direction and length he desires. Improving your swing can make your game a lot better. A person’s golf swing is the important skills that you should learn in the game. If you can master the swing, you will have more or less unraveled game.
Golf gurus and literature claims that an excellent golf swing has three segments. These three segments are: the ‘down swing’, the ‘back swing’, and ‘the impact - follow through’.
This is where every shot begins. This is where the result of the hit is dependent. You should focus on equally placing your body rotation as well as the arm and club extension.
This is the second segment of the golf swing. It starts from the hips and in the legs. You should include, during the swing, a good transfer of the weight of your body from the back to the front with your hips, thighs and knees. The impact and follow through complete the whole swing. During the impact stage, the weight of your body should be on the outside of your heel and the inside of your rear foot.
It will take you so time to get used in swinging your body for an ideal golf swing. You should have more patience and perseverance in practicing this technique. Remember that a wrong habit is every easy to inculcate, however, it is difficult to iron out once it sets in the game. Proper guidance is needed because endless practice is not effective if you are doing it in a wrong way.
Here are some basic and quick swing fixes that you can use to improve your golf swing:
- You need to do a 5 minute muscle stretching before you hit your first. Stretching and warming up could save you strokes during the first few holes.
- Map the course of the ball mentally. A straighter and longer hit is achievable if you focus more on your goal.
- Pick a target and stand behind the ball. Before aiming, you need to have a clear target instead of just aiming it straight ahead.
Remember that golf is a mental game. You need to picture yourself doing a perfect hit. It is also very important to look the part while golfing. Golf is a relaxing sport so one should feel relaxed in their clothing.
About the Author
Jena Luthowski writes about Golf Products, Golfballs and Golfsmith coupons.
Published At:
Permanent Link:
Friday, April 18, 2008
Golf- Beginners' Guide
How to Play Golf? Simply follow our 272 Page Golfing Guide for Beginner Golfers and get started with Golf the Right Way.

This publication walks you through everything you ever need to know about Golf, from the total basics to the advanced tips and techniques that will give you the confidence to play Golf as it should be.
We also include over $200 in freebies!
Click Here to start NOW!

This publication walks you through everything you ever need to know about Golf, from the total basics to the advanced tips and techniques that will give you the confidence to play Golf as it should be.
We also include over $200 in freebies!
Click Here to start NOW!
How To Break 80!
"I'll Take You By the Hand And Tell You Exactly How To Drop 7-10 Strokes From Your Next Round of Golf Instantly... Legally... And Without Even Trying!"

Finally, learn what THOUSANDS of golfers around the globe are calling the "best golf instruction" program ever.
Click Here to get your instruction NOW!

Finally, learn what THOUSANDS of golfers around the globe are calling the "best golf instruction" program ever.
Click Here to get your instruction NOW!
The Simple Golf Swing
"I GUARANTEE You’ll Lengthen your Drive and Cut your Handicap by 7-12 Strokes in Just Two weeks."
Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. This Information can't be found ANYWHERE else!
Click Here to get your details NOW!

Unlock Your Hidden Potential by Discovering the Golf Swing that is Delivering Consistent, Accurate Distance to thousands of golfers world-wide. This Information can't be found ANYWHERE else!
Click Here to get your details NOW!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
If You Have The Ball Above Your Feet ......
If you find your ball on a side slope, don't panic. These simple changes to your posture, aim and club selection will allow you to hit an effective shot.
Because the ball is above your feet you will need to stand a little further away from it and stand a little taller than you would normally.
This will encourage you to swing more around your body with a flatter swing plane which is necessary to sweep the ball cleanly off the turf.
From this sort of lie your shots will tend to move right to left in the air. You must aim to the right of your target to accommodate this.
Club Selection
Because shots that draw in the air (i.e. move right to left) fly and then run further than all other shots, you will probably need a shorter club for this shot (a 7 or 8-iron for a 6-iron distance).
Long irons are the most difficult to control from this lie, so you might be better off laying up short.
Swing Thought
Maintain your height and keep your head steady as you play this shot. In your practice swings sence the flat swing which lightly brushes the grass - then duplicate it to sweep the ball away.
Because the ball is above your feet you will need to stand a little further away from it and stand a little taller than you would normally.
This will encourage you to swing more around your body with a flatter swing plane which is necessary to sweep the ball cleanly off the turf.
From this sort of lie your shots will tend to move right to left in the air. You must aim to the right of your target to accommodate this.
Club Selection
Because shots that draw in the air (i.e. move right to left) fly and then run further than all other shots, you will probably need a shorter club for this shot (a 7 or 8-iron for a 6-iron distance).
Long irons are the most difficult to control from this lie, so you might be better off laying up short.
Swing Thought
Maintain your height and keep your head steady as you play this shot. In your practice swings sence the flat swing which lightly brushes the grass - then duplicate it to sweep the ball away.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Five Steps to Improve your Bunker Technique
By Jack Moorehouse, Author, "How to Break 80 and Shoot like the
Although hitting from a bunker is straightforward once you learn the
basics of stance and posture, the thought of hitting into a greenside
sand trap unsettles many golfers. Improving your technique reduces
the fear of bunker play and builds self-confidence in your shot-making
Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not
plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker remains
the same for shots up to 30 yards (27m). The key to making this shot
is hitting the sand about 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the
sand forward with the ball. For longer shots the only thing that
changes is the swing's length. Rhythm and tempo remain the same.....Click HERE to read the whole article.
Although hitting from a bunker is straightforward once you learn the
basics of stance and posture, the thought of hitting into a greenside
sand trap unsettles many golfers. Improving your technique reduces
the fear of bunker play and builds self-confidence in your shot-making
Assuming the texture of the sand is similar, and the ball is not
plugged, the technique for hitting out of a greenside bunker remains
the same for shots up to 30 yards (27m). The key to making this shot
is hitting the sand about 1 to 2 inches behind the ball, throwing the
sand forward with the ball. For longer shots the only thing that
changes is the swing's length. Rhythm and tempo remain the same.....Click HERE to read the whole article.
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