Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Practice These Putting Exercises

Increase Your Distance of Putting

1) Set up five golf balls. Start about a foot from the hole. Set each ball another 1 to 3 feet back, on the same target line.
2) Putt the first ball in and move back to the second ball.
3) Put each ball in the hole from it's location. If you miss, stay at that distance until you get your putt in the hole.
4) Vary the exercise by moving balls further away from the hole or to a more challenging path.

Aim for Consistency

1) Find a straight in putt line.
2) Set yourself up about 4 to 5 feet away, and put a marker off your set up point. If the 4-foot mark seems to get too easy, move back farther.
3) Pile about 10 balls behind your set up point, and begin putting.
4) Keep track of how many putts you can make in a row. When you miss a putt, start your count over again. This gives goals to work towards and experience putting under pressure.

Understand the Green

1) Set your first putt up about a foot from the hole, using an uphill lie, if possible.
2) Make the putt, and go back to your starting spot. Move the ball and starting spot to the left about a foot and back another foot.
3) Aim from there and putt until you make it.
4) Continue by rotating to the left and back one foot each time. Continue until you have gone all the way around the hole and made each putt to finish the exercise.

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