Friday, November 17, 2006

Beware of your grip throughout your swing

One of the greatest challenges for beginners to achieve consistent golf is to maintain a constant pressure on the grip throughout the entire swing. Many golfers tend to loosen their grips at the top of the swing thinking that as they move their clubs on the down swing, they could “re-grip” again before they strike the ball. Very often, loosening and “re-firming” the grip would result in the changes of the position of the club face when it hits the ball, somtimes with very disastrous result! Therefore always ensure that the grip is firm (and yet passive without too much pressure) at the top of each back swing.

Also, you must not allow the hands to loosen just because you have hit the ball. One should maintain the grip even after the ball has been struck and taken off, otherwise one would loose the control of the shot.

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