Sunday, November 19, 2006

Improve your game by controlling your mind

Listen to what the renowned golf mental trainer, Dr. Kilstein has to say:
“We have an expression: “Seeing is believing” but the opposite is also true,
“Believing is seeing”.

You are not going to sink the shots you don’t believe you are capable of.
You can have the most fluid swing, the most powerful impact and the best swing
in the world but if your mind isn’t part of the game, you’re in the water!
Isn’t Dr. Kilstein right?

Remember what one of the great golf teachers, Jim Flick once said? - "Golf is 90% mental… and the other 10% is mental." That’s right, controlling the mind is the key to great golf. Dr. Jay Brunza, a sports psychologist and hypnotist was responsible for training Tiger Wood to excel with a strong mental attitude. He had caddied for Tiger all through his Junior and Amateur events. He even caddied for him in the Masters. What are their secrets? It’s the blinking of Tiger’s eyes to self-hypnotize each time before takes a shot!

Great golfers need to control their mental game to ensure consistency, confidence,
and lower scores. Many have resorted to hypnosis which is proven to be the easiest,
quickest, and most proven way to great mental golf.

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