Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Golf Swing Is Pretty Simple

Simple swing The Golf Swing Is Pretty SimpleRight now you’re thinking ‘Is this guy nuts?’. Hopefully not, but I had a moment of insight the other day while struggling with my own swing issues. Consider this:

When someone who knows what they’re doing hits a good shot, the swing looks – and is – downright simple. If you watch Tour golf you see this a lot. Any one of a hundred pros makes what looks to be an effortless swing and the ball stops 10 feet from the pin. As Ross Perot used to say ‘it’s that simple’.

But wait, every golfer on the planet – and I mean every – has had to deal with golf swing demons. If you haven’t pulled hair out of your head or, come on admit it, wanted to toss your bag into the nearest body of water,?then you aren’t really a dedicated golfer.

So here’s the insight: when all goes well the golf swing is a pretty simple thing. You can prove it to yourself. Next time you hit a shot right where you want it,?reflect and see if it didn’t feel as easy as falling off a log. Golf is difficult because while the swing in it’s essence is simple, in fact a thousand things can go wrong. Think about that for 60 seconds! Maybe I’m a dunce, but that was an epiphany to me.

Will this insight help you play better golf? Maybe not, but it might help you enjoy the game more by giving you the unalienable right to cut yourself some slack. This in turn will help you relax and that, in turn, will help anyone’s game.

Here’s another idea to take out on the course: You don’t have to fix every bad shot! Let’s say you’re playing a decent round and you hit a real stinker. Stop trying to figure out what went wrong so you can correct it on the next swing. Just chalk it up to a brain fart, forget it and move on without giving it another thought. You’ll play better golf.

Related posts: Help My Swing, Please!!!!The Simple Game of GolfA Sure Fix For Improving Your SwingGolf Swing Turn! Turn! Turn!What Is A Peak Performance Golf Swing?

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