Thursday, October 14, 2010

Increase Driving Distance With Golf Swing Weight

I get dozens of emails EVERY day from golfers wanting to know the quickest way to increase their driving distance. There’s nothing worse than being the shortest hitter in your foursome, and knowing that everytime you walk down the fairway to hit your second shot, you’re ALWAYS the FIRST one to hit :cry:

The are many issues that might be causing your lack of distance, including off-center contact on the clubface. You can lose up to 30 yards on your drives with a toe or heel hit. I can assure you that many of us mere mortals do not find the center too often :shock:

If you know me at all I will surely encourage you to improve your golf specific strength and flexibility, which will no doubt massively increase your distance off the tee…but…if you’re like many golfers, embarking on a golf training program seems daunting, and you want a simpler way to add yards.

Well…like any other sport, if you can mimmic your movement with resistance, and build up your speed with this resistance you will quickly improve your distance through a higher swing speed, and stronger golf muscles impart a more powerful blog into the golf ball at impact :evil:

With that being said, I came across the coolest training aid to instantly add resistance to your golf club, and you can insert it on your club in 5 seconds. Swing it as many times as you want, then remove it and stick it in your bag. I truly believe, this is one of the neatest power golf training aids I’ve ever come across…and it’s ONLY 30 bucks!

I swing my Power Golf Swing Weight Trainer EVERY day to…

Warm up for either practice or play.
For my golf-specific swing training.
To increase my swing speed for longer drives.

Power Golf Swing Weight Driver
Popularity: 24% [?]

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