Friday, October 15, 2010

Perfect Your Swing With Position Practice

ernie els swing Perfect Your Swing With Position Practice

I can’t tell you what the right way is to swing a golf club. I’m not a teaching pro and I haven’t written any books on the subject. I’m not even a scratch golfer. I probably have 25 ‘how to’ books in my own library, most of which I’ve been through numerous times. And God only knows how many ‘how to’ articles I’ve read in golf magazines over the years. BUT, I do have something of value to pass along – how to ingrain what you know.

First, you’ve got to come to grips with the basics of the swing via some means; a teaching pro, your scratch playing buddy, a book – something. From this you need to take away where the various parts of your body should be at: (1) address, (2) 90′s into the backswing, (3) the top of the backswing, (4) 90 degrees into the downswing, (5) at contact with the ball, (6) 90 degrees past contact and (7) completion of your swing. I know this is a lot to ask of you, but you’ve got to get these right.

My advice pertains with what to do with this information. Practice holding these 7 positions every day for a few minutes in the backyard or in the house if the ceilings are high enough. Hold each position for a second or two. Your body will learn where it’s supposed to be if you keep repeating the positions. So all you have to do is to figure out what they are. Good Luck

And here’s the best tip I’ve had in the last month. It’s from Tiger Woods website. Hit your pitch shots with your chest! Not literally of course, but feel like it’s your chest that’s driving your arms and ultimately the club head. If you do this you won’t quit on the swing and decelerate – the kiss of death. Thank you Tiger, I’ve saved myself a lot of strokes in the last month.

Related posts: Left Arm in Golf Swing – Straight or Relaxed?Is Your Practice Routine Sound?A Sure Fix For Improving Your SwingCure For The Shanks“Digging It Out of the Dirt” and the Lonely Art of Practice

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